Fourth Grade

Fourth graders are all about hands-on science. Mr. Gragen, their fearless leader, encourages exploration and problem solving skills through a myriad of STEM acivities: Estes rocketry, Matchbox speedometrics, Eco-engineering, robotics, bridge building and simple machines/hydraulic machine construction. In math, 4th graders use the Eureka/Engage NY model and focus on math games, problem solving and fluency. 4th graders build their Literacy skills through Megawords workbooks which help them with decoding, spelling and understanding words and Wordly Wise which encourages systematic academic vocabulary development. They explore literature in many ways; from chapter books to graphic novels to "deceptively simple picture books." 4th graders study current events and use "Kids Discover" magazine to spark discussions and learning.

Brook Trout!

The 'Trout In Classroom" program is a special experience that Mr. Gragen provides for his students. Click here to learn more about it!